Vern Schillinger. Vernon Schillinger is a fictional character played by American actor J. K. Simmons on the HBO series Oz as a major antagonist. Schillinger is one of the most powerful and feared inmates in. Vernon Schillinger was the main antagonist of Tobias Beecher's storyline, and the primary Aryan inmate featured in Oz. Vernon Schillinger was also Ryan O'Reily's main antagonist in Season. Vernon Schillinger is one of the main antagonists in the TV series Oz. He is the sadistic leader of the Aryan Brotherhood in the titular prison, and series protagonist Tobias Beecher's..
Information, interviews, photos and more for Vern Schillinger played by J K Simmons on the HBO original program Oz - Official site for the HBO Series SERIES MOVIES J.K. Simmons as Vern Schillinger, during the prison production of Macbeth. Photo: Larry Riley / HBO. “This was a big opportunity for a lot of guys who didn’t have much experience. Vern Schillinger : Hey, prag! Vern Schillinger: If I were you, I'd go see Dr. Faraj, you don't wanna be slurping turkey milkshakes at middle age. James Robson : Faraj, I don't want some Sand Nigger's paws probing my. Vernon Schillinger, played by the now famous and superb J.K. Simmons, is detailed next in this 25-part PCS list on strongest 'Oz' figures. Vernon "Vern" Schillinger è il detenuto numero 92S110, condannato il 21 ottobre del 1992 per aggressione aggravata di primo grado ad otto anni di carcere con possibilità di libertà vigilata.
Vern Fineberg
Vern Schillinger: If I were you, I'd go see Dr. Faraj, you don't wanna be slurping turkey milkshakes at middle age. James Robson : Faraj, I don't want some Sand Nigger's paws probing my. Vernon Schillinger, played by the now famous and superb J.K. Simmons, is detailed next in this 25-part PCS list on strongest 'Oz' figures. Vernon "Vern" Schillinger è il detenuto numero 92S110, condannato il 21 ottobre del 1992 per aggressione aggravata di primo grado ad otto anni di carcere con possibilità di libertà vigilata. learning about the supremacy of the white race from his father. Vern grew up to be a vehement racist who “went to prison for [his] beliefs.” Within Oswald State Penitentiary (“Oz”), he’s been. Vern Schillinger : You're gettin' awful mouthy, prag. Tobias 'Toby' Beecher : No, sir. I'm not. A good example is the Neo-nazi Vern Schillinger (ph), played by my guest J.K. Simmons. Early in the first season of "OZ," the Neo-nazi psychologically tormented his new. Actor J.K. Simmons. He's a regular on HBO's "OZ" the graphic and disturbing drama of life in a maximum security prison. Simmons plays convict and neo-nazi Vernon. James and Theresa Arnold, who live on a farm near Potwin, Kansas, say that MaxMind have made their lives "digital hell," the BBC reports. The pair's home has been. Need help finding more records? Try our genealogical records directory which has more than 1.1 million sources to help you more easily locate the available records. Vernon Schillinger is a fictional character played by American actor J. K. Simmons on the HBO series Oz. TV Guide included him in their 2013 list of The 60 Nastiest Villains of All Time. [1].