Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Every time I see Mashonda she seems to be losing weight and looking more stunning ! Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type..
Yes, love Mashonda. The model I was thinking about, often modeling Breezies and other lingerie and, of course, fashions, is Jacynth. Alway Hello. I am not sure if someone has sd anything about this previously. But is Mischanda ? plus size model still working for QVC? Is Mashonda still with QVC? I haven't seen her lately, and it's been a minute since she's been on PM style?? I really hope she is still there!! Yes, Mashonda does appear to have lost weight. I noticed a few weeks ago. She is a very pretty lady. Hello. I am not sure if someone has sd anything about this previously. But is Mischanda ? plus size model still working for QVC? Seems its always the 3 same models - Bonnie, Adreinne, and Katia. no matter what time of day or vendor, nothing against them, they are beautiful. but give us some variety. we all have different bodies/heights/faces. plus with qvc having reruns at night now, theres plenty of women to choose from. ...
William Lulu on Reels | MASHONDA · HONEY, I SEE YOU
Yes, Mashonda does appear to have lost weight. I noticed a few weeks ago. She is a very pretty lady. Hello. I am not sure if someone has sd anything about this previously. But is Mischanda ? plus size model still working for QVC? Seems its always the 3 same models - Bonnie, Adreinne, and Katia. no matter what time of day or vendor, nothing against them, they are beautiful. but give us some variety. we all have different bodies/heights/faces. plus with qvc having reruns at night now, theres plenty of women to choose from. ...
William Lulu on Reels | MASHONDA · HONEY, I SEE YOU