Lews Therin Telamon.
Lews Therin Telamon (pronounced: LOOZ THEH-rihn TEHL-ah-mon) was the Dragon during the War of Power. He was the leader of the forces of Light and was well respected all over the world. He was able to summon the Nine Rods of Dominion, as well as being the highest rank of Aes Sedai, wearing the... Lews Therin Telamon, known as The Dragon, was a male channeler who led a group of male Aes Sedai in an attempt to cage the Dark One during the Age of Legends. Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon, was revered, feared, and villfied, all justifiably. His mission to seal the Dark One's prison both saved the world temporarily, but also doomed the Age of Legends to the Breaking that would follow and all male channelers for the next 3000 years to madness..
Dragonmount is the prologue chapter of The Eye of the World and takes place almost 4000 years before the next chapter in the book. Lews Therin Telamon wanders through his nearly destroyed palace, looking for his wife Ilyena Therin Moerelle. Rand al’Thor is the current reincarnation of the soul of Lews Therin Telamon who was first named Dragon during the War of Power in the Age of Legends. Lews Therin Telamon was one of the most influential figures in the Age of Legends and the War of the Shadow. He was the leader of the Aes Sedai and one of the leading commanders of the army that fought against the Shadow. He was also instrumental in the sealing of the Bore and the defeat of the Forsaken.